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The Sweet 16th Annual Dream Big Dinner

is scheduled for Saturday, November 2 at 6pm,

Shoreline Community College, #9000 PUB Pagoda Student Union

Register Now!


Imagine that!  

Sixteen years.

Each one a tradeswoman celebration!

Each one a time when we can meet with our peers and toast our successes.

Each one a time when we honor those who have made a significant workplace changes.


So go for it. Celebrate.

Tie on some kind of ribbon

and join us


a delicious buffet dinner

the ever popular delicious Dessert Dash

the revered Tradeswoman Awards

and the newest component, the Trades Raffle


Enjoy these photos from last year's event!

Thanks to all who make it happen, from volunteers to sponsors, from dessert donors to dessert buyers, from the Shoreline Community College staff to the awardees; from Aloha Catering to the hardworking WWIT Board.

And thanks to YOU. There is no dinner without people to sit at the table.

Photo Credit, Robin Murphy 

The Great Room At Shoreline!

2023 Awardees
(first row, l to r) Robin Cowper, Soph Davenberry, Camille Jackson, Marianna Hyke
(second row l to r) Angela Henderson, Rae July-Fistonich, Chris Bolin, Bobbi Worden, 
Sheridan Sanchez. Meghan Harkins, Alyssa Olson

WWIT Executive Board
(l to r) Jo Scherer, Guy Astley, Sharon Walker, Marilyn Kennedy, Cindy Payne,
Robin Murph
y, Alice Lockridge

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